Has Your IG Following Plateaued?

Has Your IG Following Plateaued?

When I sent out a poll last week asking about Instagram and you guys getting new followers, the vast majority answered that your account has hit a wall. In other words, IG ain't giving you new followers like "the good ol’ days."

A lot of the strategy and coaching I do with my roster has to do with not only increasing followers, but also engagement. So let's look at the four reasons why you may not be getting new followers:

  1. You're not using powerful hooks to convert viewers to followers.

    Do me a favor. Go to your IG page right now and look at your last three posts. Did you honestly "hook" the viewer/non-follower to convert them into a follower? Did you show them right off the bat why they should follow you? Keyword here is honestly… meaning, would you follow you if you came across your page? If the answer isn't "F*CK YEAH!" then you know what you gotta change.

  2. Your content feels too "forced" and not authentic.

    This is something I see quite often with content creators that are so focused on what other people are doing that they simply forget who they are and what their "why" is. Your page should be a reflection of you. Your photos shouldn't look too posed, and your videos shouldn’t sound like a used car salesman. On a sheet of paper write down your three niches, and your "why?" (why you are a content creator). Let that be your guiding light.

  3. Your editing skills need some fine-tuning.

    Yup, let's face it, if you want to succeed on the 'gram you have to be sharp. Your photos and videos (however authentic and in real-time they may be) still have to look like you put some effort into them. Think about color correction, dead space, alignment, lighting, etc.

  4. You're not utilizing boosting options.

    If a post has done well, keep doing more in that realm, and start boosting the series. That will allow your content to reach a new audience and that increases the chances of getting new followers.

If you'd like for me to go more in depth with your particular page, schedule a one-on-one call with me. I'd love to hear what’s going on and help.


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