Brittany Xavier

Brittany Xavier is a former marketing executive who turned her astute talent for mixing luxury and fast fashion into a much sought after destination online. Her effortless style has made her a social media icon with an eclectic audience of over 6 million across her Instagram and TikTok platforms. Her smart and bold style has attracted brand partners like Dior, YSL, Marc Jacobs Beauty, Saks Fifth Avenue, Cartier and H&M and publications like VOGUE, Vanity Fair, Marie Claire, and Forbes.

Brittany has been working with Idalia Inc since 2018 when her career experienced a pivotal turn to her immense success today.


If you’re interested in working with Brittany, please contact us here.


“Idalia knows this industry inside and out and it’s always been so refreshing to get an outside perspective of my business. I would have to say this year has been one of my most successful ever thanks to her insight!”

— Brittany Xavier


Chriselle Lim


Marianna Hewitt